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The Power Of Love - Frankie Goes To Hollywood

"The Power of Love" is a song by British band Frankie Goes to Hollywood, released in 1984. The song was written by band members Holly Johnson, Peter Gill, Mark O'Toole, and Brian Nash, and produced by Trevor Horn.

The song has a dramatic and emotive melody, and the lyrics speak of the power of love to overcome adversity and transcend time. The song's message is one of hope and optimism, as it encourages listeners to believe in the power of love to conquer all.

"The Power of Love" is also known for its powerful vocals by Holly Johnson, and the song's orchestral arrangements, which give it a grand and epic feel. The song has become a classic and is still widely played on radio and covered by other artists.

It is a powerful and emotive song about the transformative power of love. Its dramatic melody and lyrics of hope and optimism have made it a timeless classic, and it continues to be widely loved and celebrated by fans of Frankie Goes to Hollywood and music lovers worldwide.


The Power Of Love

I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door
Feels like fire
I'm so in love with you
Dreams are like angels
They keep bad at bay-bad at bay
Love is the light
Scaring darkness away-yeah
I'm so in love with you
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burnt desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door
When the chips are down I'll be around
With my undying, death-defying
Love for you
Envy will hurt itself
Let yourself be beautiful
Sparkling love, flowers
And pearls and pretty girls
Love is like an energy
Rushin' rushin' inside of me
The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame on burnt desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
This time we go sublime
Lovers entwine-divine divine
Love is danger, love is pleasure
Love is pure-the only treasure
I'm so in love with you
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
The power of love
A force from above
A sky-scraping dove
Flame on burnt desire
Love with tongues of fire
Purge the soul
Make love your goal
I'll protect you from the hooded claw
Keep the vampires from your door
