JukeBox - La Gramola

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Nothing really matters - Mr. Probz

"Nothing Really Matters" is a song by Dutch artist Mr. Probz, released in 2014 as a single from his debut album "The Treatment". The song was written by Mr. Probz and produced by the Dutch production duo The Opposites.

The song has a smooth and relaxed melody, with lyrics that speak to the importance of living in the present moment and enjoying life without worrying too much about the past or the future. The lyrics also touch on the idea that at the end of the day, the only thing that really matters is being with the people we love and enjoying the small moments of life.

"Nothing Really Matters" is also known for Mr. Probz's smooth and emotive vocals, and for his distinctive style of blending elements of hip-hop, soul, and R&B. The song has been a big success worldwide, and has been covered by several artists.

It is a smooth and emotive song about the importance of living in the present moment and enjoying life. Its positive message and distinctive style have made it a big hit, and it has been loved by fans worldwide.

Nothing Really Matters

When she's ok

Then I'm alright

When she's awake

I'm up all night

And nothing really matters

Nothing really matters

I see her face

And in my mind

I sieze the day

Whenever she's nearby

It's like nothing really matters, no

Nothing really matters

She completes me

It's how she reads me

Right or wrong, oh

It's so clear she's

All that I need

All I need, yeah

I know what it feels like

I know what it feels like

Swimming through the stars when I see her

And I don't need air because I breathe her

I know what it feels like

I know what it feels like, yeah

I breathe her

Breathe her

Everytime I see her

Everytime I see her


When I'm lost

And need a sign

She leads the way

And I'll be fine

And nothing really matters

Nothing really matters

She completes me

It's how she reads me

Right or wrong, oh

It's so clear she's

All that I need

All I need, yeah

I know what it feels like

I know what it feels like

Swimming through the stars when I see her

And I don't need air because I breathe her

I know what it feels like

I know what it feels like, yeah

I breathe her

Breathe her

Every time I see her

Every time I see her

Every time I see her, oh

Every time I see her, oh

When she's ok

Then I'm alright

When she's awake

I'm up all night

And nothing really matters

Nothing really matters
