JukeBox - La Gramola

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Always Somewhere - Scorpions

"Always Somewhere" is a song by the German rock band Scorpions, which was released on their 1979 album "Lovedrive". The song was written by vocalist Klaus Meine, and became one of the band's biggest hits, reaching high chart positions in several countries.

The song has an emotive melody and reflective lyrics about love and distance. The lyrics speak of a love that is far away and greatly missed by the protagonist, but always in their mind and heart, regardless of the physical distance between them. The song is very emotive and evocative, and has come to be considered as one of the best romantic rock songs of all time.

"Always Somewhere" is also known for Klaus Meine's acoustic guitar and emotive vocals, as well as Rudolf Schenker's electric guitar solos. The song has become a rock music classic, and is one of Scorpions' most popular songs worldwide.

It is a very emotive and reflective song about love and distance, and is one of the best romantic rock songs of all time. Its beautiful melody and poignant lyrics have touched the hearts of many people worldwide, and the song continues to be very popular and beloved by Scorpions fans.

Always Somewhere

Arrive at seven the place feels good

No time to call you today
Encore till eleven then Chinese food
Back to the hotel again

I call your number the line ain't free
I like to tell you: come to me
A night without you seems like a lost dream
Love I can't tell you how I feel

Always somewhere
Miss you where I've been
I'll be back to love you again

Always somewhere
Miss you where I've been
I'll be back to love you again

Another morning another place
The only day off is far away
But every city has seen me in the end
And brings me to you again

Always somewhere
Miss you where I've been
I'll be back to love you again
